Wyoming voters must pay $10 to hear from Rep. Liz Cheney, their lone member of the House of Representatives, who will only answer “pre-selected questions” in an event in Jackson next week. The news from Politico comes on the same day that Cheney will hold a large fundraiser (with vaccines mandated to attend), featuring Sen. Mitt Romney, as she gathers with Washington, D.C. insiders near her true home in the D.C. suburbs in Northern Virginia.
At the same time, Harriet Hageman, Republican candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives in Wyoming, launched a new website and digital ad lampooning Cheney for her Virginia residency and obsession with former President Donald Trump at the expense of issues that Wyoming really cares about.
Hageman today issued the following statement.
“It’s stunning, but somehow not surprising, that Wyoming voters will actually have to pay to hear from Liz Cheney, and then she will only answer questions that have been ‘pre-screened.’ We know that Cheney almost never comes to Wyoming, and now we find out that when she does, she hides behind her own version of a paywall and refuses to take unscripted questions from her constituents. At the same time, she will rub elbows with Mitt Romney and her pals from the D.C. Swamp at a high-dollar fundraiser where she really feels comfortable – in her home state of Virginia.
“If there are Wyoming voters who weren’t already disgusted by Cheney’s complete abandonment of our state, this ought to make it nearly unanimous. She holds us in such contempt, and fears backlash for her own record so much, that she will make an appearance in only the most controlled of settings. But she will freely mingle with and accept big checks from the D.C. elitists who congratulate her for being Nancy Pelosi’s pawn on the illegitimate January 6th Committee.
“Wyoming has had enough. We only get one member of the House, and we deserve someone who has our concerns front-and-center. When I am the next Congresswoman from Wyoming, I will always fight for our shared values, and I will never hide from the people who entrusted me with the job of representing them or charge them to ask me questions.”