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Hageman tops $4 million raised in campaign against Cheney

Republican challenger raised $1.8M in 2nd quarter, shows $1.4M cash on hand

Harriet Hageman, Republican candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives in Wyoming, has raised over $4 million for her race against incumbent Rep. Liz Cheney as of today. In a report to be filed with the Federal Election Commission by the July 15 deadline, Hageman will show that she raised over $1.8 million in the 2nd quarter of 2022 and will enter the final month of the primary election campaign with $1.4 million in cash on hand. Hageman will face Cheney in the Republican primary on August 16.

“Wyoming is crying out for representation in Congress because we don’t have any right now, and I am grateful for the tremendous outpouring of support for our campaign,” Hageman said. “Liz Cheney has turned her back on us to pursue her own personal war with President Trump and we are fed up with having no one to stand up for us in the House of Representatives against the disastrous policies of the Biden administration. When I am the next congresswoman from Wyoming, I will always defend our values and remember who hired me for the job.”

Hageman, who recently launched her first television ad of the campaign, will report to the FEC that she raised over $3.9 million from the beginning of the campaign to the period that ended on June 30, 2022. The amount she raised in the first two weeks of July pushed her over the $4 million mark and will appear on the next fundraising report.

As a member of Congress, Hageman will fight against federal government overreach and protect property rights, water rights, and 2nd Amendment rights, among other priorities. Hageman will fight to keep taxes low, support Wyoming’s energy and natural resource industries, and oppose needless and endless foreign wars.

Hageman is a fourth generation Wyomingite who was raised on her family ranch outside of Fort Laramie. Growing up on the ranch, she learned the value of hard work, honesty, and fighting for what you believe. Once described as one of the “fiercest and most effective opponents” of the Clinton Administration, Hageman knows that the hardworking men and women of Wyoming deserve a leader who shares their values and will not bow down to the pressures of the liberal left as soon as the road gets a little rough. She attended Casper College, earned her B.S. in Business Management and her Law Degree from the University of Wyoming, and is a practicing attorney.


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Hageman for Wyoming

P.O. Box 4157, Cheyenne, Wyoming 82003


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